Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Asberger What's The Difference Between Autism And Asberger's Syndrome?

What's the difference between Autism and Asberger's syndrome? - asberger

I did some research on this a few years ago. Much of the time children with Asperger syndrome are often diagnosed as autism, because many behavioral traits share. Children with Asperger's can be like a high functioning autistic children. That is what I found on the Internet. Hope it helps.

Asperger syndrome is a weaker variant of autism. Asperger's Disorder and autism spectrum disorders are, in fact, subgroups of a larger group of diagnosis. This category is greater than or autism spectrum disorders in the United States, especially in European countries, or Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD). Affected in Asperger's syndrome are people benefiting from social isolation and eccentric behavior in childhood characterized. There are gaps on both sides of social interaction and nonverbal communication. Although the grammar of their language is peculiar because of the changes of inflection and a repetitive pattern. Awkwardness is important both in their articulation and motor behavior. They usually have a specific area of thingsEast, which usually leaves no room for an era, plus interest, tires together. Some examples are cars, trains, French Literature, handles, hinges, cappucino, meteorology, astronomy or history. The name "Asperger" comes from Hans Asperger, an Austrian doctor who first described the syndrome in 1944. An excellent translation of Dr. Asperger's original paper was provided by Dr. Uta Frith in her Autism and Asperger's Syndrome available.


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